Why ‘Ponderings’?
My brain is like a cooker/stove top. It has ‘stuff’ bubbling away on it all the time. Some is quietly blipping away in the background. Others front of mind and needing my attention.
I’m inspired by conversations, news items, articles, events and these blogs are the results of those musings!
Reflections of Civvy Street
Transitioning from military life to Civvy Street can be challenging. But it’s not impossible. In this article Johanna Hooper, shares her experience of transitioning from retired Naval Commander to Leadership Coach and TEDx Speaker.
Leading tomorrow's people
If your intention is to be an innovative, vibrant, sustainable company, staying ahead of the workforce curve starts now - whilst your future people are still at school!
In this article Johanna explores the various factors you need to consider to maximise the benefits of a diverse workforce.
Managing a difficult boss
While dealing with toxic bosses can feel daunting, it’s something we should all feel confident to do. In this article Johanna takes a look at what you can do if you’re experiencing toxic leadership in your organisation.
Have you become an “Accidental Monster”?
In this article Johanna explores how to recognise if you have unknowingly become an accidental monster and how to make positive changes.
The curse of the accidental leader
In this article Johanna explores how to recognise if you are an accidental leader and what to do about it if you are.
Lessons in leadership from course creation
In this article, Johanna shares the leadership lessons and lightbulbs moments from the process of creating her new course, Host like a Hero.
The loneliness of command
In this article, Johanna explores the loneliness of command and shares how it’s possible for leaders to have better difficult conversations with their teams.
Are you a Leaky Leader?
Are you a Leaky Leader?
And how to make changes for the good of you, your team and your business.
Many years ago when I was serving aboard HMS Illustrious, a Chief in my team commented, “I can tell your mood by the way you walk through the office”.
In a hierarchical organisation like the Royal Navy, making a comment like that to a senior officer takes a certain level of confidence (and some might say courage).
But, decades later, I can still recall that exchange with absolute clarity.
What is Systemic Resilience?
What is Systemic Resilience?
And how can it help your business in the post-pandemic period?
In this article, Johanna takes a look at how the different roles of the individual impact the wider team, and even business, and why Systemic Resilience is critical to your success now and in the future.
Mindset or skillset:
In this article, Johanna examines whether unexploited learning and development opportunities is indicative of a mindset, or a skill set problem, and what to do about it.