The curse of the accidental leader
How to recognise if you’re an accidental leader and what to do about it
In a recent article I talked about the loneliness of command, specifically how leaders can find themselves experiencing feelings of isolation that affect their performance in the workplace.
But what if you run a micro or small business? How can you feel lonely in a business where you are a key player in a relatively small team?
The fact is, it’s more common than you might think. In fact, accidental leaders often feel amazed by the position they find themselves in and fear it’s only a matter of time before they get caught out!
What is an accidental leader?
Broadly speaking there are two types of accidental leaders.
The employed folks who were technically great at their job. This has led to them getting promoted and now they’ve ended up managing teams instead of doing the stuff they were so great at.
Or, the folks who have found themselves running their own growing business which is the successful, if unexpected, outcome of a great idea they had.
For the purposes of this article, I’m talking about the latter group.
They probably started as a solopreneur, or maybe working in a partnership with a like minded friend or former colleague. They had a great idea for a business doing something they loved and were passionate about. So off they went.
Eventually they got to the point where they needed help. Often this is where the associate model comes in. They outsource the tasks they don’t enjoy in order to focus on the things they do. And the business continues to grow.
Eventually the associate model isn’t enough. They need more people like them to do the things they do. So they grow a team.
Now, they’re at the helm of a team of people - maybe 5, 10 or even 50+ people, and still growing.
If you’d asked them at the beginning of their journey they’d probably have scoffed at the idea that one day they would be leading a team. It was never their ambition and, truth be told, they probably would have felt uncomfortable at this being the outcome predicted for them.
And yet here they are.
The interesting thing about accidental leaders
The interesting thing about accidental leaders is that, if they are doing a great job of leading, it’s probably more by chance than design. There’s a high likelihood that they haven’t had any formal leadership training. They are either winging it or learning on the hoof via books, podcasts, online courses or gurus they’ve found on social media.
Which means that, in the wee, small dark hours of the night, many of them are laying awake wondering if they could be doing a better job of leading their team and their business.
Sometimes when I work with accidental leaders they’ll say things like, “I can’t leave my team alone for five minutes”, or “I thought I’d hired some really great people”, or “I’m spending all of my time either doing or correcting their work”, or simply, “I wish my team would be better”.
They’re feeling baffled. Unable to pinpoint quite what’s wrong and, as a result, not really knowing how to put things right.
What’s more, unlike admitting they don’t know how to do something tangible, like marketing or bookkeeping, they feel uncomfortable ‘fessing up that they might not be the best leader, in case it makes them look bad.
They’re reluctant to say out loud that they’re struggling to lead their team.
After all, it’s their business, their small team, their responsibility.
Who can they talk to?
It’s lonely!
Does that sound familiar?
The great thing about being an accidental leader
If reading this article has sparked any “That's me!” moments for you, then know this.
One of the most exciting things about accidental leaders like you, is that you’re already open to learning new things, pushing yourself and doing stuff that’s outside your comfort zone. If you weren’t it would still be just you, following your passion.
As it stands, you’ve already built something amazing and now it’s time for you to upskill yourself, just as you would upskill one of your team if they showed immense promise.
Learning to lead
Like anything else in business, becoming an inspiring and emotionally intelligent leader is something you can learn. And I’ve got just the programme. It transforms accidental leaders into leadership legends! How, you might ask? By introducing them to the 5 -ates! Curious? You’ll have to get in touch to hear more ;)
Working with accidental leaders is an exciting journey of discovery and breakthroughs. By making space for you to step away from the day to day running and managing of your business, we create an environment where you can discover how your personality impacts on your team; what you can put in place to improve your own performance; and how, by being better yourself you can lead your team to greatness. (That sounds pretty grand doesn’t it?!)
Oh, and did I mention that admitting you might not be brilliant at everything can never be described as a weakness?
If you’d like to find out more about working with me, why not book a free consultation via the button below.